Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Conversion: My Ebinezer

Gospel Reading: Matthew 20.1-16
Click HERE for last Sunday's readings.
"Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by thy help I've come."
from "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
This morning I stepped bravely into a vulnerable place. Different groups at Christ Church each have a code to enter the building for after hours meetings. A member of one such class ended an email with "I'm surprised the code isn't 2046. Or do too many churches use that number?"

I had no idea what she was talking about.

2046. 2-0-4-6. 20-46. Hmmmm. What in the world did she mean? Is there some obvious cultural reference I'm too square to get? It's true that my TV watching habits are pathetic. They are limited almost entirely to the 8pm time slot on Thursdays: The Office.

Even so, I do know that 90210 is a Beverly Hills zip code. (I was in seminary with one of the show's stars, believe it or not. But I never mustered the nerve to tell Ann that I'd never seen a single episode.)

I also realize that I'm quite out of the apocalyptic literature loop these days. While in 1988 I was well aware of the book "88 Reasons Why Jesus will Return in 1988" I'm afraid that such a book now would have to create quite a stir among the heathens before it came to my attention. So is 2046 the latest greatest prediction of the rapture?

The vulnerable place I entered so bravely was a simple acknowledgment of ignorance. I emailed back that...gulp...I didn't know what she was talking about. Why 2046?

The sad reality is that I too often just nod along, smiling, while people drop references I don't understand. How shameful to flag myself as the only person in the free world who's never heard of . . . ?

And so I end up bereft of good things. Good things like "Ebinezers."

I love the hymn "Come thou fount." And our hymnal changes the cryptic original line "Now I raise my Ebinezer" to "Now I find my greatest treasure". Now it's true that most of us just sing right through those "Ebinezers" as though we know what we're doing. So maybe it makes sense to do away with these obscure references so nobody feels dumber than thou.

But there's a real 'treasure' to be unearthed for anyone willing to wonder "Who or what is an Ebinezer?"

The reference is to a moment in 1 Samuel. After a victory against all odds, Samuel set up a stone and called it "Ebinezer", "...saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Ebinezer isn't about some generalized treasure. It's about a moment in a story. It's a stone being tipped up, a marker to remind of a day when God helped us through when we thought we were done for. A marker to return to, perhaps, on a day when God feels awfully absent.

I think we impoverish our faith when we ditch the particular in favor of the general. Even if the particular is a strange and obscure reference it might be a more fruitful discovery than its paraphrase.

On Sunday we read another of Jesus' parables. And I'm reminded that Jesus taught in such a way that people were drawn into stories rather than given clear platitudes. It's as if he didn't mean for us to get his teachings so much as to get into them. Imagining myself a vineyard laborer who gets the shaft or tipping up my own Ebinezer might mean a lot more to our faith than generic notions of blessing or treasure or ... whatever.

So, I know you're dying to have the mystery of 2046 disclosed. Well, it's the sign of the cross on a keypad. And now every time I enter the building I might see that cross. A little, latent blessing there in the foyer. A sign hidden in plain view. And all I had to do was ask.


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Anonymous said...

Thank you for documenting what an Ebenezer is. Note the reference is I Sam 7:12 and it says "12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far has the Lord helped us.”

Thank you Lord that you have given us Ebenezers in our lives. Let us not fail to set up markers to remind ourselves of what you have done and where you have helped us.

PS - Note the NIV shows it spelled different than your post